Monitoring the state of IPv6 deployment with The Internet Society

Last year I was approached by The Internet Society to help with an IPv6 crawler they'd had running since 2010. They're keen for other people to run their own version of this crawler, so if you're interested please see instructions at the bottom of this post.

The crawler was designed to take the most popular million sites from Alexa, and collect data regarding IPv6 reachability of them all. It would lookup relevant A and AAAA records - comprising of MX, NS and SOA, NTP, and WWW records. The latter two (NTP and WWW) were determined using pre-determined prefixes (eg. ntp., www., www6.)

For each IP address collected it would then collect configurable metrics, such as TCP reachability on relevant ports, traceroute, ping, and GeoIP.

The crawler had been originally written by a team at Nile University in Cairo, Egypt in 2010 before being refactored, along with an accompanying website, by another team at the University of Southampton in 2014.

Some time at the beginning of 2020 the servers running the crawler at the University of Southampton suffered a hard drive failure and needed to be recovered, but COVID-19 delayed this. I was approached by ISOC-UK in 2021 with disk images and asked if I'd be interested in recovering and modernising the project.

By this point, the initial implementation was quite dated (running Python 2 and Node 0.10). Each crawl took around 60-70 days, and if it crashed there was no way to resume. It processed each domain in turn, holding it in memory, and looked up the A and AAAA records for each DNS lookup. These were written to CSV, which were later imported into SQLite for the purpose of exporting into MySQL for the website.

The state of the Internet has changed a lot since this crawler was designed - a lot of domains now use the same MX records for example - so processing these once per domain resulted in a lot of duplicated effort. It in fact even turned out that of the ~3 million distinct hostnames that returned IP addresses, there were only 875,000 unique IP addresses.  

I rewrote the crawler using Python 3 and removed all of the multi-threading - the majority of the workload would have been waiting for network connections to return (DNS, traceroute, TCP connections) so to save overhead I had it use asynchronous lookups instead. This means it now sends a large number of lookups at once and then processes them as they return. I also had to use the popular domain dataset from Majestic Million as the Alexa dataset is no longer freely available.

Next, I wanted to remove as much of the duplicate work as possible, so I had it create an SQLite database with a job table:

CREATE TABLE job  (type, domain, host, priority, tld, UNIQUE(type, domain, host));

This allows each host (MX, WWW, NTP, NS) to be determined first, and then we only look up IPs for unique hosts from this table:

CREATE TABLE ip4  (host UNIQUE, ip, asn, city, region_name, country_code, longitude, latitude);
CREATE TABLE ip6  (host UNIQUE, ip, valid, id, type);

The IP processing was taken from distinct IPs from these tables, once again reducing the processing.

The entire crawl is kept in SQLite until complete, and then it spends a few hours creating CSV (for backwards compatibility) and MySQL output together (instead of creating the SQLite from the CSV). Using SQLite also allowed the crawler to determine how far through a previous crawl was, so it will resume if ips.db exists locally (following a successful crawl this will be moved away).

This refactoring greatly improved the efficiency of the crawler. It is now possible to run all of the million domains in a single crawl without running out of memory, and the entire crawl runs in just over 2 days on a dual core Intel Xeon E312xx (Sandy Bridge) VPS with 4GB RAM - meaning the rewrite delivered over a 96% improvement in runtime with much less resource usage.

The output of the crawls can be seen at All servers and hosting support were kindly provided by Mythic Beasts.

Running your own crawler

I recommend running your own local resolver, and I found better results with PowerDNS than Bind (which occasionally seemed to hang the crawler).

Note: At the time of writing, Digital Ocean block outbound IPv6 traffic on port 25, so if you use them for your hosting I'd disable the TCP25 metric (more below).

The crawler comes in two parts - a crawler and a webserver - which are both open source and available at

Crawler Section

The crawler is in the bare repository. It requires Python3 and the following dependencies:

pip install aiosmtplib
pip install geoip2
pip install mtrpacket
pip install dnspython
pip install icmplib
pip install IPy
pip install mysql-connector-python

Due to traceroute and ping needing to open raw sockets, the following privilege will need to be granted to python3 if not running as root (please note this permission will apply to any Python3 script on the machine:
setcap cap_net_raw+ep $(realpath $(which python3))

Finally, due to a bug in dnspython, a library will need patching manually to prevent intermittent DNS exceptions (around 1 in 1000). The location of the file will differ depending on pip installations and Python subversions but it will be something like:

On line 28:
 if self.recvfrom:
Needs to be:
 if self.recvfrom and not self.recvfrom.done():

Note this may have already been updated, it was reported as a bug and patched:

Additionally, GeoIP2 databases are needed. To download them you’ll need a free account with Maxmind:
Then download the mmdb formats of  GeoLite2-City and GeoLite2-ASN  and set the location in config.props:

asndb  = ~/crawler/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb
citydb = ~/crawler/GeoLite2-City.mmdb


The configuration is mostly in config.props.  There is commentary in there, but you’ll need to set the IP4 and IP6 address under [trace]:

max_ttl   = 30
timeout   = 2
ip4_local =
ip6_local = 2a00:1098:88:b3::2:1

This is for traceroute, as the starting IP needs to be set and trying to determine this programmatically proved to be unreliable - sometimes taking the wrong interface - unless an external connection was made, and I didn’t want to rely on connectivity of an external provider.

Please also set the name servers to use in
NAMESERVERS = [ "::1" ]

We recommend running a local resolver to save overloading your provider, but any nameservers provided here will be used. Note that if this isn’t updated, and ::1 isn’t available, the crawler will still run but return n/a for everything.

The MySQL configuration under [mysql] is for where to write summary data for the webserver. Due to how long this takes to import, I recommend using a staging database for this, and importing to the live site later (covered below).

Running a crawl

To run a crawl, cd into the directory containing the crawler, and run ./runCrawler.

This shell script will check ./domains/ for files. If empty, it will download the top million sites from Majestic Million and write the domains into ./domains/million.txt (note this is a naive assumption, it doesn’t check config.props below). If it isn’t empty, the domains are not download.

It’s possible to provide chunks of domains per file in the source directory, but there is no need to do this - the crawler can handle a million domains on a VM with 1GB RAM (more is needed if running your own resolver).

Next it runs the crawler which:

  1. Creates or initialises an SQLite database called ips.db
  2. Iterates through each file in the folder specified in [dirs].inputdir (in config.props, by default set to ~/ipv6data/crawler/domains), and run each of the following steps against each file before moving onto the next one. Each file should have a domain per line.
  3. It then runs runFeatures from, which loads all of the domains from the provided file and files the job table with MX and NS records. It additionally guesses NTP and WWW records (using prefixes from config.props)  and inserts these into the job table. No A or AAAA records are resolved in this step. Note that each of these can be turned on or off in the config.props
  4. Next, it runs processIPs  from This iterates through each unique host from the job table - the idea being that there are a lot of non-unique records here, such as the amount of domains using cloudflare for WWW or Gmail for MX. It will resolve the A and AAAA records for each, and then for each unique IP (again, a lot of these are shared), it runs the metrics (such as traceroute, ping, reverse DNS).
  5. Finally it runs processOutput from This does two things - writing CSV output into [dirs].outputdir (default ~/ipv6data/crawls, secondly generating MySQL summary data for the webserver (unless disabled). Please note that output can only be generated if ips.db still exists.
  6. Finally the script moves ips.db into the crawls directory with a timestamp.

By default, the MySQL summary data will be in the ipv6matrix_staging database. To bring it live for the webserver, assuming on the same server:

INSERT INTO ipv6matrix.Domains SELECT * FROM ipv6matrix_staging.Domains;
INSERT INTO ipv6matrix.DomainPenetration SELECT * FROM ipv6matrix_staging.DomainPenetration;
INSERT INTO ipv6matrix.HostData SELECT * FROM ipv6matrix_staging.HostData;
INSERT INTO ipv6matrix.Reachability SELECT * FROM ipv6matrix_staging.Reachability;

Once you’re happy the data is showing, delete the tables:

TRUNCATE TABLE ipv6matrix_staging.Domains;
TRUNCATE TABLE ipv6matrix_staging.DomainPenetration;
TRUNCATE TABLE ipv6matrix_staging.HostData;
TRUNCATE TABLE ipv6matrix_staging.Reachability;

Resuming a crawl

If ips.db already exists, the crawler assumes that the previous crawl either crashed or was killed, and attempts to resume. It first removes any domains from the list to be crawled if they already exist in the jobs table. It then only processes IPs hosts which have a null ip6.ip (if IPv6 failed it would be “n/a”).

If you don’t want this to happen, remove or rename ips.db.

SQLite Schema

The schema is as follows:

CREATE TABLE soa  (host, primaryBySOA, primaryByRank, primaryInHouse, secondary, total, soa);
CREATE TABLE ip4  (host, ip, asn, city, region_name, country_code, longitude, latitude);
CREATE TABLE ip6  (host, ip, valid, id, type);
CREATE TABLE job  (type, domain, host, priority, UNIQUE(type, domain, host));
CREATE TABLE ping (ip PRIMARY KEY, count, min, avg, max, mdev);
CREATE TABLE rdns (ip PRIMARY KEY, reverse);
CREATE TABLE tcp  (ip PRIMARY KEY, port25, port80, port443, starttls);
CREATE TABLE tracert (ip PRIMARY KEY, mtu, hops, path);

Essentially there is a table, job, to hold all of the records minus A/AAAA records, so all MX, WWW, NTP and MX records will be listed here.
The exception being SOA, which has its own table.
Then there are ip4 and ip6 tables which map hostnames to IP addresses (the purpose being so that each IP is only analysed once)
Finally, there are a number of tables for IP analysis - ping, dns, tcp (for connectivity to various ports), and tracert.


  • The GeoIP databases should be updated periodically
  • The crawls directory should be backed up (I’d recommend taking the full home directory)
  • If the disk starts filling up, crawls/ip*db can be deleted. This will prevent the output script being run again, but it is possible to recreate the ip.db from the CSV files if necessary (the functionality would need implementing)
  • MySQL on the webserver should be backed up after every crawl, but daily is safer.
  • Everything else can be restored from git.


The webserver code is in webserver/

Apache Configuration

First enable proxying:
a2enmod proxy
a2enmod proxy_http

Overwrite the default vhost (feel free to customise this):

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ProxyRequests On
	ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/
	ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:3000/

Restart apache2. Probably either systemctl restart httpd or systemctl restart apache2

Node configuration

Install node (instructions for Debian):
curl -sL | bash
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs

Install pm2:
npm install pm2 -g

Create a directory for node to run from:
mkdir -p /var/www/node

Create a user to run node as:
useradd -d /var/www/node node

Clone the gitlab repo into /var/www/node/webserver (instructions not provided as this will differ depending on the repository used and access options), but ensure the entire directory is owned by node:node:
chown -R node:node /var/www/node/webserver

Next install MySQL. Instructions for this are outside scope, but wherever you choose to install it, create the required tables with ipv6matrix.sql, configure a user, and add the connection details into config/dbConfig.json in the form:

    "host"       : "localhost",
    "user"       : "matrixuser",
    "database"   : "matrix",
    "password"   : "supersecurepassword"

su node —shell=/bin/bash
cd /var/www/node/webserver
pm2 start server.js

You should now see the server running:
pm2 list

It can be stopped and started with pm2 start server and pm2 stop server respectively.

To ensure it comes up after a reboot, run as root:
/usr/local/bin pm2 startup -u safeuser

You’ll need to manually edit the systemd as the above command expects sudo to set the paths correctly, which it didn’t have.

Edit /etc/systemd/system/pm2-node.service
Change the following two lines to have the correct path:


Then: systemctl daemon-reload.

The app should now automatically restart, and come back after reboot, without needing root.